We have several ad sizes and placements available for sponsored advertising at Nebraska Community Websites.
Principle Sponsor
The principle sponsor receives the most coveted space on the community website, the top banner (above all content on the page). It indicates support and commitment to the town residents and visitors. Top visibility in desktop and all mobile devices. Yearly commitment
$3,600 per year billed on a monthly basis
Size up to 600px x 110px above website menu.
Custom designed and placed by the Nebraska Community Website Project
Community Sustaining Sponsor Ad
The community sustaining ads are visible in ALL participating newsletter websites (more than 12 communities and growing). Yearly commitment.
Multiple your exposure with a Community Sustaining advertising. Premier spot in rotating banner on the home page (each css banner ad is randomly shown one at a time above newsletter) placement in all county websites in addition to footer placement in all newsletters.
Size 500px x 100px
$468.00 per year billed at $117 per quarter
Featured Website Ad
The featured website ad receives the premier section on the upper right column. It is visible on the first page of every website and newsletter view. Only one business can purchase this spot for maximum visibility. Yearly commitment.
$672.00 per year billed a $168 per quarter
Ad Size 300px x 400px
Web Site Ad
The community website ad is a great advertising option promote your business to visitors to the website. It is visible to all viewers and can be linked directly to your website. Available in 3 different sizes. Quarterly commitment.
Ads will be visible in the right column (below Featured Ad and community announcements) and will appear to the right of the newsletter and any website content.
3 Month Exposure
$95.00 Small 300px x 300px
125.00 Medium 300px x 600px
175.00 Large 300px x 900px